So, I'm sitting here in front of my computer updating this blog on a Saturday morning instead of being out on a bike training...why....a swollen left ankle was my reward at the end of yesterday's run. Bummer. I've had bad ankles for years and I love running trails, which tend to have plenty of rocks, ruts, etc...the two don't go together well. I was doing a bunch of 20 second intervals during my run and never saw the rock that turned my an instant I was hopping on one leg and cursing at everything around me. The good news is that the ankle feels good enough now that I think taking today off as a precaution will be enough and I'll be back on the bike by tomorrow...probably running (on nice smooth pavement) in less than a week. Time to get a little more serious about doing the exercises to strengthen the muscles around the ankle.
Focusing on the positive: A good week of training otherwise. Got in some good hard intervals on sunrise climb in the McDowell Preserve. I feel good and I feel ready to work hard in the upcoming weeks. Oddly enough, I tend to enjoy biking the most when I'm doing structured workouts and feeling like I'm working hard. Looking forward to getting past this minor bump in the road and hitting it hard next week!